Videos of Kapil Math Campus

The view just as you step inside Kapil Math. On the left is a homage to Maharshi (great sage) Kapila who founded and taught Samkhya darshana to his only disciple Asuri. It says ॐ आदिविदुषे कपिलाय नमः (Our homage to Kapila, the first wise one).

This shows the approach road to the gates of Kapil Math. The gate has been designed to look like the outline of a meditative yogi. On the top is a white marble plaque inscribed on which is Kapil Math and also the quote from the Mahabharata which is – नास्ति सांख्य समं ज्ञानं नास्ति योग समं बलं  (There is no wisdom like Samkhya, no power like Yoga.). Kapil Math campus extends on two sides of this mud road. The one with the meditative yogi gate houses the main temple of Kapil Math where the present president of Kapil Math resides. The other side houses monks quarters, apartments for disciples, the kitchen, etc.

This shows the main Kapil Math campus with monks quarters on two sides of the brick road which leads straight upto the main temple of Kapil Math which is further down the road.

This building houses the book store of Kapil Math and is named Anima Karyalaya. This is a recent addition to Kapil Math. This also shows the gate and the approach road to the main temple of Kapil Math.

This shows the approach road to the main temple of Kapil Math where morning and evening stotras are chanted everyday and this is also where the present president of Kapil Math Swami Bhaskar Aranya resides and meets with his disciples and visitors. Viewers can also see in this video a small structure beside the temple which is  called Riddhi Mandir. This will be familiar to people who have  read the allegorical story of A Unique Travelogue written by Samkhya-yogacharya Swami Hariharananda Aranya.

More monks’ quarters on the other side of Kapil Math main campus. The second kuthiya (hut) is where Kapil Math’s previous president Choto Acharya Swami Dharmamegha Aranya lived in his initial days as a monk involved in intense spiritual practice.

This building is called Kapilayan which has the kitchen of Kapil Math and also the library besides several rooms to accomodate disciples and visitors. The kitchen is named Annapurna.

The Library of Kapil Math inside Kapilayan. It was closed that day so the inside view is not available. 🙂  The library has a very good collection of books.

This displays the the samadhi bhumi (burial ground) of the previous Acharyas of Kapil Math who were Acharya Swami Hariharanada Aranya and Swami Dharmamegha Aranya. This place inside Kapil Math also has a statue of Sage Kapila (creator of Samkhya darshana) seated on a lotus in deep meditation and seated by him is a deer and a tiger whose fear and violence have been overwhelmed by the infinite peace emanating from the sage.